Saturday, August 23, 2008

Local Committees Upgrade Websites

It is refreshing to see that both the Chesterfield County Republican Committee and the Chesterfield County Democrat Committee have re-tooled and upgraded their respective sites. This action was long over do.

You can visit these sites by simply moving down to the Daily Rants section and clicking on the site you wish to view.

The Republican site was in large part configured by Jody from the The Contemporary Conservative blog. If you have not as yet visited the site you can click on it in the Daily Rants section as well.

Also, please make sure you take the time out to visit volunteers from either Committee at the Chesterfield County Fair which began this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both new sites are head over heels better than before. Locals mainatining these sites need to make sure that the keep things really current in the News section. The one criticism I always had before was there was never really any current issue focus, either local or General Assembly. I think it is really neat that the CCRC has introduced a blog on the site as well.