Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bermuda District race wide open

With the announcement that "Dickie" King will forgo seeking re-election in the Bermuda District of Chesterfield County it appears as if there is a potential opportunity for new voices and/or visions. Mr. King is the second supervisor not to seek re-election. So there will be FIVE seats up in November and two of those will be without a running incumbant.
Mr. King has expressed his support for Jack R. Wilson, Republican , of the planning commission. The Commission of course also has Dan Gecker who likely though has not announced will re-challange Don Sowder for the Midlothian seat Mr. Sowder took over after the resignation of Ed Barber and his defeat of Gecker in the election last Fall.
The field is wide open for the Board this November. The blogs are just breaking the huddle. Chesterfield is at a crossroads and this election could very well impact the next 10 years not simply the four each Supervisor will serve. Hard choices will have to be made, especially in transportation, education and emergency services. The biggest question comes from an email I received recently asking:
How is it that Henrico County appears to continually get more out of less revenue?
If there is any doubt where their priorities lie, visit their schools and take a trip to their state of the art library at Tuckahoe.

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