Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mataoca District Race

The race has been on in the district since word broke that Renny Humphrey would not be seeking re-election in the district for the seat on the Board. She had won re-election over Democrat Bill Hastings, who is likely the well ahead of all the other potential in the field because he is able to carry-over many of his efforts from last election into a run again. Mr. Hastings is being challenged within the Chesterfield Democrat ranks by Don Wilms.
The Republicans have seen three potential candidates for the Mataoca seat withdraw. Edgar Wallin, Bob Herndon and Steve Elswick all apear out. The Chesterfiled Republican Committee Chair Sherman Litton has Kevin Salminen on deck at this point with a declared intent to run.
This seat may indeed impact the direction of further county wide development as Mataoca as of late has seen numerous zoning battles arise out of the size and scope of recent proposals for land use in that area of the county.

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