If the history of political parties is any indication than it may just be time for the American political landscape to once again expand. There were always offshoots or breakaways within history, but its been quite some time since we have seen it in reality. And no Ross Perot does not count.
Seeing as how the Democrats are under the control of the liberal arm of the Party they are certainly becoming the modern day "Do Nothing Party" since gaining control of both houses of Congress. What they are proposing to do will force the right of the Party known as blue dog conservatives further away from them. The GOP which the media left for dead last year is regrouping, but it is apparent its intent is to consolidate much of the social conservative elements of the Party over that of the fiscal conservatives or even the moderates.
Independents will remain stuck right at the center of the political landscape BUT if things keep rolling the way they are on the ground level and Congress keeps acting as if they live in the Beltway Bubble conservatives and moderates on both sides may be forced to leave both parties by 2020.
A Conservative Party could be born in America. The question remains just who would make up that Party. Would it be the Palin conservatives, the Gingrich conservatives or some other force yet to have taken the reigns. Will the GOP be purely the social conservative party or will it be the social conservatives who leave the GOP fold to form the Conservative Party.
Alot could hinge on the 2012 election IMHO. If Sarah Palin is not given the level of respect a former Vice President selection should be given that may lead to a big rift between the grassroots of the GOP and the insiders that frankly control the Party. Lets face it, the insiders and media elite control much of the primary process, whether you are talking about coverage, fundraising or even the debate schedules.
Stay tuned. There is growing discontent with both Parties at an all time high. Throw in universal healthcare, cap and tax, rising income taxes and you have a recipe for political disaster for the two established Parties. Right now they have little fear of a third party movement, but that could change over the next ten years.
Of course, a large part of a true Conservative Party movement would require a ton of money!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
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The "third party" route is a failed model. If any real change is to occur, a group such as the Constitution Party, or Freedom Party must begin with the premise that their members shall REPLACE the corrupt, xenophobic Republican Party, with a modern set of priorities and goals that will not just restore our freedoms lost under the Bush regime, but ENHANCE our Liberty in every possible way, while reigning in the power of government to within its Constitutional limits.
BTW, you won't get there with corrupt former Governor's like, trailer park, Palin.
If such a movement is to be successful, it must be able to attract genuine leaders at every level of government, and not the usual megalomaniacs that we see from the current major parties.
I think you are right on target...I think it will take several "conservative" type parties currently around to merge, high profile Republican defections at the state and federal levels, an inspired leader and as you said tons and tons of money....2016 buddy, be optimistic....the flawed philosophy of the third party is that all resources are put into a Presidential candidate...for a new party to survive local, state and Congressional races is where the focus should be.....
I have to admit that the GOP is not broken, but certainly is fractured. For that matter, so to is the old Dixiecrat or Southern Democrat arm of the Democrat Party.
Conservative Democrats must come to understand they have more in common with their conservative brethern on the right than they do with the liberal left.
The extremes of both have hijacked the tradtional coalitions of old. You know have a radical element in control of the Democrats and a stronger far right leaning one on the GOP side concentrating mostly on social reform.
The real numbers are in the middle. These are the voters that will have to at some point reject the vision of both the GOP and Democrat Party.
I personally am beginning to reject the standard bearers of the GOP. Attending the last convention here in Virginia for the GOP, I found the Virginia GOP moving entirely to far to the right and focusing too much on issues that just do not seem as relevent to me given the current state of the nation. I am not shopping for a home for my vote in 2010, but am certainly browsing.
One of the concerns I have is whether true Virginia conservatives, moderates and independents will reject Sen.Mark Warner next time around if he caves and supports Healthcare, Cap and Trade, and another Stimulus bill. Sen. Webb has done a good job staying below the radar this cycle with his trip overseas but his re-election bid will be in 2012 along with Obama I think and if the economy is not showing any signs of life and taxes indeed rise he will be in trouble if and only if the Virginia GOP is wise enough not to run a retread like George Allen. I would watch the center. I know many social conservatives think they own the GOP here in Virginia, but without the moderates and independents they are going nowhere. The Virginia GOP needs a Senate candidate to run the kind of campaign Bob McDonnell did and appeal to the center of Virginia and both Webb and Warner could very well be in for a real fight.
The independent center is the third party that decides all elections.
I don't think independent and center neccessarily mutually inclusive or exclusive....just because someone is not registered to a particular party does not mean they are centrists (as the Tea party's are showing) data shows it usually means they are not involved in the political process on a daily (regular)basis but on the elecetion basis....a third party if done right could energize this mass to declare a direction and not sit on the fence with their future...
Alter of Freedom-
Sen. Warner to vote to support the healthcrae bill be as it stands be brought to the floor of the Senate.
He just sold out to the liberal wing of the Party, eventhough he keeps quibbling about whether he will support it in the end. Warner's vote is in the bag for the liberals now for sure.
The liberals won Warner's support and he just lost mine. I supported him over Allen, but only because the GOP failed to make any case against his time in office as Governor and much of the real truth about his term came to light years after when Kaine was in.
Moderates and Independents are gonna bail on him. This is only the beginning of the end of the charade in the brand of Warner in Virginia. No person who is truly pro-business could support the Pelosi/Reid healthcare bill or Cap and Trade. Period.
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Joe in BA I think you meant you supported Warner over Jim Gilmore. Jim Webb defeated George Allen but we get your point.
Both Virginia Senators will back Obama and Reid's agenda and for that they will both have the honor of being one term Senators.
If ever there was a time when we needed someone like a John Warner or a Chuck Robb in the Senate representing Virginia it is now. Too bad a majority of voters bought the hype of these Democrats who brand themselves as moderates or centrist but vote very differently.
Senator Warner SOLD OUT no doubt about it. He admitted in a town hall the government has no consitutional right to do healthcare mandates and than does this.
At least Webb did not campaign as a moderate. Warner just put all his chips in with Obama. problem is Virginians will be cashing them out in a few years.
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Common Cents
There is no doubt that the retirement and health benefit issue at the State level needs some attention, but it will not get it from lawmakers.
You have these what you call political parties that compete in elections for the majority votes to gain political offices and control policy, right? Better change your system if it's not anymore working...specially when the problem is on the people running the system.
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