Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors--Is the Future Still Bright?

Look, I have made clear my issues with the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors over the course of the last few years. Many insiders have not been all too happy with some of the issues addressed here at Alter of Freedom. I will have to admit though, at least the former Board members took the time to return emails, messages and in some cases even participated on local blogs as a means of reaching out and being more accessible to the public interest.

I must admit however, that Cheterfield on balance does not have the blog exposure that many of its other county siblings do across the State. This must change in order for the Board to be serious about transparency. Localities like Loudoun, Fairfax, Arlington and the like have some of the highest rated/viewed blogs in the country and if you visit blogs like Too Conservative out of Loudoun you will find a great balance of Local, State and National issues.

The current Board here in Chesterfield has just endorsed a 32 citizen Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee made up of citizens from throughout the local districts of the County as well as members from the planning group contracted to shape the future of Chesterfield. Many of these members will be familiar to many readers here; Bill Hastings, Andrea Epps, Ree Hart and the like with either political or developer ties to the process are but a few familiar ones that stick out on the list.

While many of us have to wonder just how this committee has come to be and how the mebers were selected in terms of process, it is further alarming that Chesterfield County has just contracted a Florida firm in Renaissance Planning Group to the tune of almost $900,000 to work with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee in creating our future.

$900,000 in contract fees paid by tax payers of course. Any explaination why it is this money could not have been used to contract a local or Virginia firm employing residents of Chesterfield or other regional localities. We have seen this before and the Board continues to go outside Virginia with its contractors.

Chesterfield has been operating under its Comprehensive Plan which has guided much of the planning concerns over the course of the last two Boards. Of course, many have taken issue with the Plan in its present form and at times have appeared poised to disregard its guidelines in terms of getting zoning ordinances worked through. We saw this in the debate over the Upper Swift Creek Plan and most recently the debate over Centralia.

I said months ago that I felt it was premature to begin to pass judgement on this Board collectively, however in recent weeks I am of the opinion that the time has come for residents to hold this Board and its members fully accountable for this point forward. Many new members were elected some eighteen months ago and ubnfortunately the learning curve of the first year is now over. No longer can we simply excuse the actions of this Board based on the previous ones misteps or agenda.

I am beginning to have less faith in the direction this Board is planning than I did in the election cycle of 2008. There has been far too much finger pointing with the School Board on budget issues, lack of true conviction by the Board to balance the ratio of revenues between citizens and business, a nominal cash proffer increase below the original proposal and no action of significance on the impact fee debate stemming from State Senator Watkins original proposal in the State Senate.

Is the future still bright? I think so, but many residents still find themselves faced with the same issues they have been confronted with for almost ten years crowding/trailers, roads and infrastructure standards and a government that is content with spending more and more money on its own operation and facilities than it appears willing to impact residents everyday lives.


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James said...

"Bright" either applied to the County at-large and its future or "bright" in terms of Board members themselves could be very different things Alter.

Yesterday, at least Durfee had the guts to abstain from the funding vote after voicing concerns over how the Schools planned to spend the money.

I give her more credit that the stupid comments made by Gecker from Midlothian. My only real question is whether the CCDC will sit by and not put someone up against him next time. We all know the CCRC will find someone to run but last time the CCDC all but endorsed Gecker. Saying that middle school expansion is a long term mistake is equivalent to Gecker's complete dismissal of any of the accountability he should bear regarding the growth issues we face in both our communities and our schools. The guy sat on the Planning Commission for years afterall.

Andrea Epps said...

It’s been a while since I took the pleasure of reading my favorite blogs and sending comments, but I felt this post deserved a response, and an explanation to the extent I have the knowledge to provide. Due to length, I might need to do this as two posts, Part 1 and Part 2

I must admit, I’m flattered to be mentioned along with Ms. Hart and Mr. Hastings.However, In the interest of full disclosure: I used to work for a developer, but I also served on my community association board for three years, and have had the privilege to serve the last three years as a panelist for the Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Institute. My point is simply that I have no allegiance to any special interest whatsoever.

You have raised many issues that I am not going to mention as you have made your point well.

I did want to make sure your readers had a clear understanding of the Comprehensive Plan process. The funding for the Plan was specifically set aside over a year ago. I think it should have been allocated earlier, but I suppose the Board wanted to get through the budget process and see if anyone complained about it. No one did. In fact, I was the only person who even mentioned it. Needless to say, I was in support. Not because I believed I would be on the committee ( There were a couple of individuals who tried to make sure I wasn’t) but because the plan is so desperately needed.

As for the consultant, the county put out the most comprehensive RFP and Scope that I have ever seen. In contrast, another locality in the region set about their process with a one page RFP.
The link to the scope of services is below, (I don’t have the RFP electronically)

Andrea Epps said...


The groups that sent qualified bids were interviewed by a Consultant Selection Committee, and RPG was chosen unanimously by the committee. They do have an office in Charlottesville. As an aside, I believe they also did the Plan for James City County, a locality I am very familiar with.( I grew up there and my father worked for JCC.) They are reported to favor cluster development, revitalization and TDR programs. I have been advocating for TDR programs for years, hopefully, someone will listen now.

The county produced an application for individuals interested in serving on the Steering Committee that had to be completed and returned by May 20. They received over 100 applications from many, many qualified individuals.
The link to the committee info is below:

The selection process was debated, I’m sure. In the end, each Supervisor had three appointments from their district #1-15 on the list, and staff was permitted to select the remaining individuals, #16-30 based on their qualifications, experience and ability to work as a team. The remaining two spots are for large industry and, I believe, Mr. David Reel will represent the home Builders. I am genuinely honored to have been chosen by the county’s professional staff.

The agenda item for the committee lists the committee members and all of the diverse organizations they represent. It can be found at the following link PAGES 7-9

I do agree that there should be more blog activity throughout the county, and if I have time, I’ll try to post the activities of the Steering Committee. I feel obligated to also mention that every one of those meetings will be open to the public, if anyone should so desire to witness the process. I am looking forward to it, with a totally open mind.

As for the Impact Fees… I was part of that committee, and the only one who supported impact fees. I think the proffer system is inadequate, and I couldn’t support allowing 50 million go by the wayside. To be totally honest, the committee that was appointed by the Board was a bit heavy with developers but did include a few citizens, so you can draw your own conclusions.

The point of the preceding paragraph is only to state the difference between that committee and the Comp Plan Steering Committee. The steering committee has only a few development representatives and covers a wide range of organizations that are active in Chesterfield.

I apologize for the length of this post, but I couldn’t resist. I appreciate all of the time and energy you put in to this blog and your dedication to informing the public. It’s a public service in itself.

Alter of Freedom said...

NO Apologies required Andrea!!! Thank you for the informed points that you have so graciously taken the time to provide here.

I only sought to mention your name as to highlight a familiar name and contributor that readers here would recognize. It was not a negative, but a positive in that whether it was Magnolia Green or other issue you have always brought some light upon the issues for many of us citizens.

My arguement is that it seems to always be the caring citizens who dedicate time to these matters and not our officials that inform of us as to the happenings as you pointed out with the parameters of the Steering group.

Many of these officials promised greater transparency and yet the very sites they used as campiagn methods seem stale of any updated information from the activities of the Board.

many of these Board members also sit on other regional committees like the Airport or the group proposing Transportation Districts and fees in a regional manner. Many citizens are unaware the number of boards these officials sit on and the activities of those independent of the Board of Supervisor activity. Thats not transparency.

I commend you for your involvement and participation in these matters. Groups like Homeowner and Community Associations need to be more active at the Courthouse and demanding accountability from officials.

Many of us wrote letters to our officials or at least emails about the Capital Improvement Plan. many here in Midlothian fail to see the need for a proposed 18 million dollar library on Robious Road and this was voiced with no response. Residents here feel that 18 million would be better served in our schools or infrastrcuture given niether Bon Air nor Midlothian library at ever full in the parking lot. If you think about the few full time employees and various part-time employees that will have to be hired to service this library are we not also growing the size of the goverment payroll every time we build such endeavors. Would not additional fireman/ems or another firehouse be of greater value given we have two libraries flanking the district as it is? Just some thoughts.

Lucks Lane said...

Alter-great thread.

I actually have more faith in the new BOS than I did before. They are demanding more accountability so that is very good in the long run.

While far from perfect, I think the County is more open than our neighbors.

Good question about the Robius Lib.
It appears it is the product of a compromise or a vocal group of citizens in the area. I use the Barnes and Noble branch myself.

John in Midlothian said...

Alter was not alone in his objections to some of the "fluff" in the Capital Improvement Plan last year.

Many of us saw he writing on the wall with the economy and knew that there would be lean times ahead and the Board went ahead and reduced the property tax rate but on the flip side wanted to fork over alot of revenues to fund the Plan for many things that just seem like governmental interest.

Do we really need to expand our Courthouse or build the Social Services building (new)or these libraries as Alter as alluded. I would support the creation of possible two modern library units located in the most populated quadrants or different sides of the County that are twice the size of the usual library and call it a day and even close the other older units. It is apparent the County sees these libraries as part of the planning for the older, retiring population because it does not seem to me that the younger generation is hanging out in public libraries these days. Seesm like good money after a pre-internet fixture to me.

I like Lucks have a bit more faith in this Board if for no other reason it is not the usual suspects up there with the same allegiances. The problem however people is it is the same people in the audience seeking the ears of these members. After awhile its like all the Board sees is these same people and the become a circle of influence of sorts. Its dangerous. Thats why alot of these people like developers end up on the committees that Andrea Epps was speaking to.

Anonymous said...


One of the committees that should be examined is not really a "committee" but a commision in the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission which is a collective of regional officials and citizens from Chesterfield, Henrico, Hanover, Ashland, New kent, Powhatan,Goochland and Charles City.

Four members of Chesterfield's BOCS sit on the commission. This commission charges an assessment on Chesterfield and its tax payers of $175,495 for participation in the Commission.

$175,495 of our tax dollars from our General Fund.

What do we residents get for this investment on a yearly basis? Does it make sense that we pay into this commission and then pay out to a Florida firm on creating planning parameters for the Comprehensive Plan as well. Does the commission consult on these matters on behalf of the region?

Chesterield in 2008 paid the most of any participant based upon a per capita formulation, but what stands out is the RRPDC appeasr to have had some 2,331.634 in revenues through Grants(Local and State)and Appropriations and managed to pay out 1,032.845 of that in salaries. That number does not include benefit payments either.

I would be interested in learning just what (if any) salary our Board members who sit on the Commission are compensated for their participation. I think these things should be a serious topic for voters come the next election cycle in examining the true transparancy of matters relating to our tax dollars at work.

It was this Commission that sought to endorse taxes on residents within Transportation Districts within the region to pay for roads and infrastructure.

Andrea Epps said...

Thanks for the kudos Alter, You have always been fair and objective. Your point on the library is well taken. I think there was a zoning case some years back that addressed this library, but I can’t remember the specifics (and I could be wrong)
Anon also makes a good point for the RRPDC. I thought both the RRPDC and the Crater PDC could have no more than two members? Quorum issues? (I could be wrong...take 2)
I know the Supervisors are paid a stipend for their service on the County Board, but I don’t know about service on regional boards/commissions.
Personally, I think the RRPDC has huge untapped potential. I know the members of the RRPDC used to fight like school children, but I haven’t been to a meeting in a few years so I can’t tell you if they are all playing nice now. I hope they are. I tend to favor regional cooperation because it’s the only way to get anything done. Especially given the fact that VDOT has been successful in passing laws that strongly encourage/strong arm localities to take over their own road maintenance. That thought frightens me. 447 square miles is too much for the county to maintain.

Andrea Eps said...

Anon - You were right. Supervisors get $3000.00/year for service on the RRPDC and all five Chesterfield Supervisors are members. Info at the link below:

Anonymous said...


Your Supervisor in Gecker has missed the last two meetings of the RRPDC as stipulated in the meeting minutes that are posted at the website of the organization.

Given that a portion of the 175,000 that the County pays as a fee to the group and surely these fees go to also offset salaries of members I wonder what voters would say if they knkew that Gecker is not even attending representing the interests of Midlothian.

Again, thats "transparency" Chesterfield style for you.

Eric in Matoaca said...

I find it rather ironic of course that we heard all about how there was a lack of transparency under the former Republican board or at least that was the claim anyway and we now learn about how our officials earn stipends and salaries from such groups on the side.

Alter and other have touched on the RRPDC, but I also thyink that the committee representing the interest of the Richmond International Airport is another example of this as well. I think our some of the Board here in CC sit on that as well. Does anyone know whether all these boards and groups are disclosed? I find it hard enough to find information on the CC site as it is by running a search let alone try and find this kind of stuff that seems buried there so citizens cannot readily find the information.

I have to commend Marlene Durfee though as of late. She has been at least accessible to residents and has held some town hall meetings. I know Alter has been astonished at the zero record of Gecker in this regard over in Midlothian. That is troubling, but than thats why you get the current sense of arrogance perceived by many there of their officials. I don't agree with Durfee 100% of the time but at least you know where she stands and has been consistant in her voting and her tone.

Anonymous said...

Eric in Matoaca, Va the group you speak to is known as the Capital Region Airport Commission.

The Commission is similar to that of RRPDC and the fact that Midlothian Supervisor Daniel Gecker sits as a member is accurate.

The Commission has mebers from all the major localties and mostly elected officials but some at-large citizens. Chesterfield has four members; Gecker (Midlo), Holland(Dale), and Warren(Clover Hill)and citizen John Mazza.

Compensation is 3,000 a year to meet once a month as well as the RRPDC I think.

Anyone else know of any other Boards or Commissions that could be taking up the time of our elected representatives? maybe this is why it takes so long for things to change in Chesterfield County.

Anonymous said...

The county has a list of all boards and commissions on the website, link below with info on membership, stipend ... Many of them are citizen committees, but the BOS serves on some of them as well.

Lucks Lane said...

It looks like Durfree has gone native.

She abstained on voting for the CCPS capital funds. I understand that that she has problems with the CCPS financial management (rightfully. She abstained on the vote releasing the appropiation for the financing. Absent a conflict, a BOS member should vote yea or nay on all items.

She also appointed three of her insiders to Compre. plan citizens's comm. One of her insiders is a known pain in the backside throughout the County.

It would appear she has become an expert in the same behavior she used to rail against.

Alter of Freedom said...

Lucks Lane-

Yes I was aware of that issue regarding the Comprehensive Planning. As a Supervisor she has the capacity to do so with appointments to boards and commissions. Not saying its right, but she is within her right.

Her vote or lack there of was troubling to me when it was given as well. I understood her reservations, but had they been enough to keep her from a "yes" than should should have had the will to vote "no". She did not vote "no" to save face upon 2011 election which will be hotly contested in both Matoaca and Midlothian. She did not want to be on record as going against school funding Lucks Lane and thats the real story. She will be able to defend her abstaining come campaign time by simply dismissing it all as not having faith enough in the financials supplied by the CCPS.

Will Matoaca hold her accountable? Time will tell I guess.

Lucks Lane said...

The shame of Mrs. Durfree's not voting was she was doing a great job on CCPS accountability.

There is so much deferred maintenance in the school system. The emphasis has been on building very nice new facilities and cutting back on maint.

Maintenance requires current expenditures while new schools require that year's debt service.

Andrea Epps said...

Once again, I can’t resist the urge…
I am going to try to stay away from direct political opinion, but my thoughts as this CIP has evolved take me back to the original PPEA for the two high schools and a middle school. Remember the “compromise”? If they end up converting CHHS to a middle school, someone would be able to point out the unknown millions of dollars that would have been saved had they followed the original plan.
I’m not saying I agreed with that plan because I never reviewed it thoroughly, but the deal that was made was the result of some individuals using their knowledge to manipulate the system, then those same individuals then went back on their word.
I agree with you all that abstaining is only appropriate if there is a conflict. Remember Branner Station?
Anyway, they still haven’t addressed what I think is the most pressing issue:
We would save a fortune if the school system had any sort of logical feeder system to utilize existing space. Then, we could use those dollars for maintenance of existing facilities, but who am I ? Every time I ask about it, they give me a million reasons it can’t be done.

Anonymous said...

Redistricting looks good on paper but is terrible in practice. It mobilizes people like nothing else.

Neighborhoods turn against neighborhoods. It turns ugly. Just ask any veterans of the Tomahawk Middle School redistricting. Some folks were out to redress the location of the middle school.

I think the CIP committee faces a slippery slope. I know at least one individual is already making statements about settling the score with builders.

Anonymous said...

I hear you all. There is a growing awareness-drive underway in various parts of the County by citizens. You know; us a-politcial ones who do not see things through the lense of politics but reality and how that reality impacts PEOPLE!!
Residents sometimes overlook County government and think it is only Washington that is kneee deep in crap. Trust me, the localities have their share of insiders. The CCRC and the CCDC have no desire to assist citizens if its not in the context of an election. They have different interests than the citizens at large.

Its is groups that are being organized like the Robious Road Community Coalition and others started to prop up around the County that are providing the most information to the public at large.

I learned more about what was happening in my district in one night of reading the website of the RRCC than I have gotten in years from the RTD or the elected officials. I was thankful for the invitation to join the community.

I learned that my Supervisor cares little for expanding, upgrading or providing funding for maintaining middle schools in general eventhough his efforts have been a large part of the problem as to the over-capacity of the schools.

What was lost on him and others the last eight years was that "If you ZONE it, they will Build and People will COME!!!!

I for one am looking forward to the watershed election cycle in 2011. I think if the voices of the coalitions unite behind candidates from different districts with the same goals for the future great things are instore for the County.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for turning us onto to Efsujon via your blog Alter. Great drink.

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Anonymous said...

So I just got a text from my girl friend that she has been sleeping around with my uncle!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have selected to broadcast every nude picture I have of her to the web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!

ツイッター said...


スタービーチ said...


精神年齢チェッカー said...


Anonymous said...

The writer of has written a superior article. I got your point and there is nothing to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not disagree with: The mousepointer will always be in front of what you are trying to read/write I will be back.

彼氏募集 said...


モバゲー said...


救援部 said...


彼氏募集 said...

今まで趣味とか仕事に夢中になってて気付いたら一人ぼっちで彼氏いなーい(_´Д`)恋愛からしばらく離れてたから…時々さびしくなっちゃったりするんだよね( p_q)同じくさびしーって人いる?けっこう甘えたりするところがあるから大人の人が好きだよ☆だから、年下はゴメンネ(。-人-。) メアドつけておくから気に入ってくれたらメールしてね!待ってまーす

コンパ said...


スタービーチ said...


人生の値段チェッカー said...


素人 said...


グリー said...


家出 said...


恋愛のこと教えてねヽ(^◇^*)/ said...

仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします

モバゲー said...


Anonymous said...

So I just got a msg from my girl friend that she has been sleeping with my little brother!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have decided to broadcast every sexy video I have of her to the world wide web. I have uploaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

So I just got a phone call from my girl friend that she has been cheating on me with my friend!!! So like any sad boy friend I have choosen to post every nude clip I have of her to the world wide web. I have posted the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

So I just got a voice mail from my girl friend that she has been sleeping around with my best friend!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have selected to upload every nude clip I have of her to the internet. I have posted the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!

gree said...


Anonymous said...

So I just got a phone call from my girl friend that she has been cheating on me with my brother!!! So like any fucked up boy friend I have selected to download every spicy photo I have of her to the web. I have downloaded the pics here:
Just search for sexyerica344, enjoy!

¥倶楽部 said...


モバゲー said...


スタービーチ said...


援助スポット said...


恋愛 said...

初めましていずみって言います☆1年半以上恋してません…(/∇≦\)元彼と付き合ってた時にあんまり会えなくて恋愛してた感じがなかった(;‾ ‾)それから臆病になってたけど長いこと彼がいないからそろそろホンキで恋したいなーなんて思ってますo(^-^o)けっこう天然入ってるから大人で引っ張ってくれる人で年上の人と仲良くしたいです☆気になった人はメールしてね

スタビ said...


mコミュ said...


モテる度チェッカー said...


オナニー said...


手料理 said...

つい最近独り暮らし始めましたヾ(〃^∇^)ノお家で料理作っても食べてくれる人がいない(´−`)彼氏いないからあたしと過ごしてくれる人いませんか?手料理ごちそうするよぉ!よかったらメールして下さい(o~ー~)年下の人はゴメンネ…(*_ _)人メール待ってます♪

mコミュ said...


スタービーチ said...


ギャル said...


モバゲー said...


出張ホスト said...

男性が主役です! 女性会員様からの謝礼は貴方次第、ご近所出張ホストは女性向けフ一ゾクの決定版!エロい一時を求めて男性様との触れ合いを秘密厳守で探しておられます。エロマダム様達と過ごす癒しの一時を…エロい人妻様会員様を満足させてあげれるのはあなただけなのです

恋愛 said...

毎日楽しい生活してても何かが足りないって思った時何が足りないか分かったの…O(≧▽≦)O それは恋愛だったんだ~って(苦笑)σ(^_^;)唯一、私にはなかったもの…彼氏がほし~い(>▽<;; フリーの人いませんか?私を恋人にして下さい♪♪仲良くなってどこかへ遊びに行きませんか?(≧▽≦;)明るい性格なので、一緒にいて楽しいと思います!!年下の人は苦手で仲良くなる自信がないので私より年上の人でお願いしますヽ(*´ー`)ゞ少しでも気になった人は今すぐにメール下さい♪

スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


SM度チェッカー said...


アダルトSNS said...


メル友 said...


恋愛 said...

彼氏いない歴2年半になろうとしてます、なかなか相性の合う人と出会えず、好意をよせてくれる人もいたけどダメだった。 一緒にいて楽しくて落ち着く人と、仲良くなって恋愛したい!!甘えさせてくれる人がいいから、年下の人は私には向いてません。よろしくね!

モバゲー said...


モバゲー said...


高松宮記念 said...


スタービーチ said...


競馬予想 said...

2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ

友達 said...

よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)

出会い said...


スタービーチ said...


Anonymous said...

My PC worked slowly, many errors. Please, help me to fix buggs on my PC. On Tipe please.
My operation system is Windows Vista.

オナニー said...


モバゲー said...


セレブラブ said...


友達 said...

変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人

スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


人生の値段チェッカー said...


桜花賞 said...


モバゲー said...


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