Saturday, August 4, 2007

Katherine Waddell Ahead of the Curve

Huguenot Bridge Replacement Project:

While we all continue to atch the fallout from the bridge collapse in the Twin Cities and pray for the families and the city of Minneapolis, I think it is important to sit back and reflect on those in our own community we trust with our safety and that of our children.

While our local government is presently "challenged" in solving our road crisis in Chesterfield, I want to point out that the Independent Delegate Katherine Waddell representing the 68th District in the House of Delegates has been fighting to upgrade our infrastructure since her election in 2005. It was her determination that secured the neccessary resources to replace Huguenot Bridge by 2011.

Waddell campaigned on reforming and a rebuilding of infrastructure initiative that included rebuilding the Huguenot Bridge. She fought to get funding in the VDOT Improvement Plan for replacing the 58 year old bridge and secured it this Spring. The Richmond District will receive 248 million in the VDOT Plan and some of this will go to the Huguenot Replacement Project.

We have to be reminded that alot of measures need visonaries. Up until the last few days I am sure many of Waddells political opponents felt the bridge a minor issue within the Transportation Plan before the General Assembly. Waddell, however, knew better.

Leadership is about being out in front. Its not about chasing policy or polls. I think we all can agree that on this issue Katherine Waddell has gotten it right and continues to represent the district with the baggage of the parties.

30,000 cross the Huguenot Bridge each an every day and though thats not nearly as many as the bridge in Minneapolis I am fairly confident that the residents their now wish someone had pressed State Government harder to get the bridges updated.

Waddell remains ahead of the curve in the General Assembly.


Anonymous said...

It will probably be used against her but she did support the abuser fee legislation that is being deemed unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

By voting for the transportation package, she was effectively putting her stamp on the huguenot bridge replacement. Without one she couldn't have had the other.

Anonymous said...

Most blogs at least the progressive ones appear to be conceeding the 68th to Manoli Loupassi because he is from the 1st Ward district of Richmond City and that is where Waddell beat Marrs to win the seat intitially. I think they are underestimated Waddell. Since she was more or less a former Republican anyway and I have not seen Loupassi getting real support anywhere but the City if residents of Chesterfield turnout, Waddell wins.